Waterloo Region Foodbank

During the pandemic times of Covid-19 our Rotary Club of Kitchener looked for ways to serve our community as best we could while still protecting each other and the community.
Each month our members were scheduled to have face-to-face lunch but during these unsettling times meetings were held via Zoom. We suggested that we continue to pay for our lunch meals; but, redirect that money to The Food Bank of Waterloo Region. One month of lunch donations can feed up to 600 children in need.
We also advertised this fundraiser on our social media and on a custom designed page on the Food Bank website promoting our Club initiative and allowing us to invite anyone in the community to also donate any amount they wished. The fundraising initiative ran in both the spring and fall of 2020.
We are proud that through our members and the community outreach that we did, Kitchener Rotary donated over $6000 in 2020 and an additional $2000 in 2021.