Bite-sized Jobs for Kitchener Rotary members
Do you want to become a bit more engaged with Kitchener Rotary. We have some low-commitment, low-skill (or easily learnable) “bite-sized” jobs for you!
- Paparazzi - Two people are needed
- for this role taking screen shots at Zoom meetings, live shots at in person meetings and uploading to the club Google Drive.
- KidsAbility Fun Day / Super Hero Day - Club Coordinator – One to three people needed
- Annually, we participate in an event with KidsAbility together with Rotarians from all clubs in KW, Cambridge and Guelph. This will be a reformatted fun event for the children who benefit in programs at KidsAbility together with their families and will also be the wrap-up day for the Super Hero challenge at KidsAbility. The coordinator will represent Rotary on the KidsAbility organizing committee to help in coordinating the role that Rotarians will play on this day.
- Peace Park – Installation Crew – One or two people needed for about 2 hours
- The 5 KW Rotary Clubs will be meeting at the Peace Park by RIM Park to install new information sign panels. These signs are replacing ones that were installed about 20 years ago. It is expected this will be fairly straightforward as the sign stands are already in place and will require some skills with tools to help the group. Some photos of the work would also be great.
Public Relations
This committee is dedicated to sharing the good works of our club and of Rotary with both our own members and with the greater public. These jobs relate our public image and are a way that you can help us to tell our Rotary stories.
- Photo Album Curator
- Receive photo materials and organize on ClubRunner to provide history and materials for future promotions.
- Facebook Coach
- Work one on one with Rotarians who want to upgrade their social media skills, assisting with set-up and providing guidance on how to use the various features of Facebook.
- Web-Watcher
- Regular reviews (maybe once a month or whenever convenient) of the Kitchener Rotary website to ensure up-to-date and accurate information is present. Helps with creating new pages and providing suggestions to other committees for updates.
- Speaker Introduction and Thank You
- Prepare an introduction or thank you when we have a speaker attend our meeting.
- Swag Purveyor
- Assist club members in obtaining Rotary branded jackets, hats and other items, coordinating with local suppliers and other vendors.
These are jobs where you can get involved with our activities in the community.
- Online Auction Aides
- Assist with various tasks for the annual Online Auction. This includes:
- Labeling of "date stickers" on signs.
- sign distribution on Blitz Day
- several hands for recording & checking off items on Exchange Day, as well as, pre-sorting items
- several hands for Distribution days
- Assist with various tasks for the annual Online Auction. This includes:
For more information about any of these exciting opportunities contact us at
Last updated July 31 2023